For the safety of everyone entering the festival, all patrons are subject to a full and complete search prior to entry and while onsite. All bags will be searched before entry. To speed up the entry process, please leave your bags at home.
Upon admission to the festival, you agree to submit to a full body pat-down and magnetometer screening before entry.
If you would like to be screened by security personnel of your same gender, please let security personnel know prior to the search process. Screening of children will always take place with the consent of a parent or guardian.
The festival grounds are under CCTV surveillance. As a condition of entry, patrons and staff may be recorded. For quality of customer experience and training, some interactions with security may be recorded by audio and/or video.
COVID: We will be following provincial health guidelines that are in place at the time of the festival.
Persons who refuse to comply with the search policy will be refused entry into the event.
At any time during the entry process if you have questions, please ask for assistance at the main gates. Please review our list of What Not To Bring for a stress-free entry process.